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Last Epoch Hammer Throw Paladin Build Guide



The Paladin in Last Epoch is known for its exceptional durability and powerful auras, making it one of the tankiest Mastery Classes available. This build guide focuses on using the Hammer Throw skill to create a whirlwind of hammers that can deal massive damage across the screen. If you've played Diablo 2's Hammerdin or Path of Exile's Spectral Helix, this build you will feel familiar. Even if you're new to ARPGs, the Paladin's strong defenses make this build approachable. Let's dive into the playstyle, skill trees, and gear you'll need to conquer endgame content like Empowered Monoliths and Dungeons.


Last Epoch Paladin



This Hammer Throw Paladin build revolves around using orbiting hammers to clear packs of enemies quickly. The key to high damage output lies in positioning yourself close to enemies so that multiple hammers can hit the same target. While the build excels in both clearing and single-target damage, it requires good timing and positioning to maximize DPS, especially during boss fights.



Pros and Cons


Great clear speed and single-target damage

Strong defenses

Easy gearing



You'll need to manage several buffs, requiring frequent button presses.

To maximize damage, you'll need to position yourself well.

Single-target DPS takes a moment to reach its full potential.



Skill Trees and Specializations

Hammer Throw

Hammer Throw is your primary damage skill. Invest in nodes like Iron Spiral and Hammer Vortex to make your hammers spiral outward, hitting multiple enemies. Catapult increases the number of hammers thrown, amplifying your damage further. Balance your points between increasing damage and managing the mana cost.


Specialization Points to allocate Description
Winged Hammers 1 Hammers Travel Faster.
Steadfast Path 1 Hammer Throw hits have a chance to deal double damage, but hammers no longer return to you.
Iron Spiral 1 Hammers now travel in a spiral around you, but halves the number of additional hammers and Hammer Throw costs more mana.
Hammer Vortex 1 Your spiraling hammers now orbit you, but Hammer Throw costs more mana.
Catapult 2 Hammer Throw launches additional hammers but costs more mana. Hammers from the same throw cannot hit the same enemy unless they spiral.
Ballista 3 Hammer Throw deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) and costs less mana.
Rapid Throw 2 Hammer Throw has increased attack speed.
Shattering Force 5 Hammer Throw hits have a chance to reduce enemy armor.
Guardian's Zeal 3 Using Hammer Throw grants you a stack of Zeal for 4 seconds, which increases your damage and critical strike chance by 10% per stack.
Zealot's Conviction 3 Hammer Throw hits have a higher chance to deal double damage.



Smite is a versatile skill that deals damage, heals you, and provides buffs. It can be manually cast or automated using Adorned Idols with the Chance to cast Smite when you hit an enemy with throwing attacks affix. Key nodes here include increasing mana regeneration, blinding enemies, and boosting attack speed.


Specialization Points to allocate Description
Holy Wave 2 Smite heals in a larger area.
Soothing Balm 3 Being healed by Smite grants you or your allies increased health and mana regeneration for 4 seconds (does not stack).
Righteous Fury 3 You deal additional melee fire damage if you have hit an enemy with Smite recently (lasts 4 seconds).
Righteous Flurry 4 You have increased attack and cast speed if you have hit an enemy with Smite recently (lasts 4 seconds)
Blinding Flash 5 Smite hits have a chance to blind enemies and deal more damage to blinded enemies (multiplicative with other modifiers).
Grace 3 Smite heals allies for more health.


Holy Aura

Holy Aura boosts your resistances and damage passively, with an active ability to double these bonuses. Focus on nodes that enhance damage, attack speed, and critical strike bonuses, along with utility like health regeneration and ailment cleansing.


Specialization Points to allocate Description
Vital Boon 2 Holy Aura grants you and your allies increased health regeneration.
Purification 1 Holy Aura grants you and your allies increased poison resistance. Activating Holy Aura cleanses ailments for you and your allies.
Call to Arms 2 Holy Aura grants you and your allies increased physical damage.
Strength From Afar 2 Holy Aura grants you and your allies increased throwing attack damage and increased stun chance with throwing attacks.
Expedite 3 Holy Aura grants you and your allies increased throwing attack speed and a chance to gain haste for 1 second on hit.
Fanaticism 3 Holy Aura grants you and your allies increased attack and cast speed.
True Strike 4 Holy Aura grants you and your allies increased critical strike chance.
Extreme Zeal 3 Holy Aura causes you and your allies' critical strikes to deal more damage.


Sigils of Hope

Sigils of Hope provides stacking buffs that enhance your fire damage and healing. Even though this build doesn't rely heavily on fire damage, the defensive buffs and reduced mana cost make this skill invaluable. Aim to max out the number of Sigils and reduce their mana cost.


Specialization Points to allocate Description
Invigorate 2 Sigils Grant you and your allies increased healing effectiveness.
Quiet Mind 3 Sigils of Hope costs less mana
Polygram 1 You can summon an additional Sigil. Does not override Soliloquy.
Empowering Sigils 4 Sigils increase the damage of you and your allies.
Last Wish 1 You have a chance to summon a Sigil when you kill an enemy.
Iron Sigils 2 Sigils grant you and your allies additional endurance threshold.
Enduring Hope 2 Sigils last longer.
Meditation 1 Sigils now only affect you but provide twice as much health regeneration.
Sign of the Guardian 3 Sigils grant additional block chance and block effectiveness.
Faith 1 If you take a hit that deals more than 25% of your health, a Sigil is consumed, healing you for 200 health.


Volatile Reversal

Volatile Reversal is your best defensive tool, rewinding time to restore your previous position, health, and mana. By reducing its cooldown, this skill can be used frequently to avoid damage and increase your attack speed.


Specialization Points to allocate Description
Time Sap 3 You have a chance to recover a percentage of Volatile Reversal's remaining cooldown when you kill an enemy and when you hit a boss or rare enemy.
Warped Time 3 You gain increased attack and cast speed after casting Volatile Reversal. The duration of this buff is equal to the length of time you traveled back.
Catching Up 3 You gain movement speed after casting Volatile Reversal. The duration of this buff is equal to the length of time you traveled back.
Traveler's Fatigue 2 Volatile Reversal has a shorter cooldown, but you have reduced health regeneration while volatile Reversal is on cooldown.
Timelost Wisdom 1 Volatile Reversal has a significantly shorter cooldown but no longer restores mana.
Terminal Void Rift 1 When you cast Volatile Reversal you create a Void Rift where you arrive.
Dark Expanse 3 Volatile Reversal's Void Rifts deal damage in a larger area.
Harbinger of Dust 3 Enemies hit by Volatile Reversal's Void Rifts take increased damage for 4 seconds.
Incipient Void Rift 1 When you cast Volatile Reversal you create a Void Rift, a spell which deals void damage in an area.


Passive Skill Trees

In Last Epoch, you can allocate passive points across your base class (Sentinel) and Mastery Class (Paladin) trees. This build also taps into the Void Knight and Forge Guard trees for additional damage and utility.


Sentinel Tree

Juggernaut, Relentless, Armour Clad, Valiant Charge: Start by investing in these defensive nodes to boost your survivability.


Paladin Tree

Conviction, Honour, Valor: These nodes increase your damage and defenses.


Void Knight Tree

Abyssal Endurance: A small investment here gives you access to Volatile Reversal.


Forge Guard Tree

Weapons Master, Peltast, Siege Captain: Invest here for additional Throwing Damage and survivability.



Gear Recommendations

The Hammer Throw Paladin doesn't require any specific unique items, making the gearing process straightforward. Therefore, there is less demand for Last Epoch Gold in gears. It is recommended to stats on your gear.



Use weapons like Eagle Wing or Katana for increased crit chance and multiplier. Look for:

Global Physical Damage

Critical Strike Chance and Multiplier

Chance to Shred Armour on Hit



Focus on a shield with high block chance, like the Ironglass Shield. Prioritize:

Block Chance and Effectiveness

Health and Armor



Rings are crucial for managing mana. Look for:

+Throwing Damage, -Throwing Attack Mana Cost

Throwing Attack Speed

Critical Strike Chance



Amulets provide additional Throwing Damage. Consider:

Throwing Damage

Critical Strike Chance and Multiplier



A defensive slot with potential for added damage. Prioritize:

Throwing Damage

Health and Armor



Focus on relics that boost your Hammer Throw skill level:

+Levels of Hammer Throw

Throwing Damage



Look for gear with the following stats:

Throwing Attack Critical Strike Chance (helmet, body armour)

Throwing Attack Speed (gloves)

Armor, Health, and Resistances



Idols should boost Throwing Damage, Crit Chance, and Health. Use Adorned Idols for automatic Smite casting if possible.




Blessings serve as potent late-game enhancements in the game, obtained by finishing Monolith Timelines. You can view your active blessings in your inventory once you have unlocked one. The best Blessings from each Timeline for this build are:

Fall of the Outcasts: Mark of Agony, Sign of Torment, Winds of Fortune

The Stolen Lance: Slumber of Morditas, Talon of Grandeur

The Black Sun: Wrath of Rahyeh, Winds of Oblivion

Blood, Frost, and Death: Enmity of the Clans, Scars of Blood

Ending the Storm: Bastion of Divinity, Rhythm of the Tide

Fall of the Empire: Hope of the Beginning, Remnants of the Living

Reign of Dragons: Resolve of Humanity, Survival of Might, Cruelty of Strength

The Last Ruin: Memory of Masters, Knowledge of Skill

The Age of Winter: Fury of the North, Bones of Eternity

Spirits of Fire: Body of Obsidian, Curse of Sulphur




The Hammer Throw Paladin is a powerful build that offers great damage and strong defenses, making it a solid choice for both new and experienced players. With the right skill choices and gear, you'll be able to tackle even the toughest endgame content in Last Epoch.




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