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What's missing from the plot among each Diablo series game? (Part4)





After the defeat of Diablo, the heroes embarked on their separate journeys. The sorcerer traveled eastward to continue his quest, while the archer returned to the "Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye." Aidan, the eldest son of King Leoric, became increasingly silent and distant from others. People believed Aidan's change was due to the grief of losing his family.


Only one person could speak with Aidana mysterious and charismatic witch named Adria. As people struggled to emerge from the shadow left by Diablo, Aidan and Adria spent countless long nights behind closed doors.




Peace finally returned to Tristram, but rumors of the battle against Diablo spread far and wide, drawing countless adventurers from around the world. Afterwards, Aidan spoke with Cain (no introduction needed, I assume), sharing his harrowing experiences underground (though he seemed to leave out the part about the Soulstone). Aidan mentioned that his brother might still be alive, somewhere in the east, speaking in riddles. After recalling these events, Aidan whispered, "I thought I could control it, I truly thought I could." However, Cain believed that Aidan was referring to his own sorrow.


The next day, Aidan left Tristram. According to Adria, he sought the help of mystics in the east to rid himself of the nightmare.


Not long after Aidan's departure, just weeks after Diablo's defeat, darkness once again enveloped Tristram. This time, the evil was more ferocious, and the entire town was destroyed by demons. The survivors from the previous catastrophe were killed by plagues or demons and then resurrected. This revealed to Cain that Aidan's "it" was not sorrow, but the demon lord Diablo. Some survivors were slain, while others were locked in cages to fend for themselves. Fortunately, Cain was among the latter.




After a period of imprisonment, Cain was rescued by a group of heroes that included a noble Paladin from Khanduras, a Necromancer from the eastern jungles of Ubar, a powerful Amazon from the Skorm Islands, a mysterious Sorceress from Kehjistan, and a Barbarian from the Arreat Summit.


The "Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye" had been corrupted by the demoness Andariel (Andariel's goal was the Sisterhood's artifact, though it seemed unimportant). Many former members of the Sisterhood became dark and depraved, and the heroes who once fought Diablo now served Andariel as Blood Raven under her influence. It was after helping the Sisterhood eliminate the Blood Raven and Andariel that the heroes rushed to Tristram to save Cain.


Cain informed the heroes that the source of all disasters might be Aidan, who had been influenced by Diablo to become the "Dark Wanderer." Under Diablo's influence, Aidan wandered east to Lut Gholein, convinced that his brother was still alive and that answers could be found in the desert. However, Cain knew that Diablo aimed to manipulate Aidan into releasing his brothers, Hatred's Lord Mephisto and the Destroyer Baal. Cain pleaded with the heroes to stop Aidan's madness.




Without hesitation, the heroes accepted Cain's request and set off to Lut Gholein to thwart Diablo. There, they encountered another hero who had fought Diabloa knowledge-seeking Sorceress. She had discovered a sanctuary built by the war hero Horazon after the battle of the wizards. Obsessed with its knowledge, she sought to possess it but was not strong enough. In a mishap, she was possessed by Horazon's soul, becoming the "Caller" within the sanctuary. Reluctantly, at the request of the king of Lut Gholein, the heroes slayed the "Caller," allowing the knowledge-obsessed Sorceress to find peace.


Due to the delay with Andariel, the heroes failed to catch up with Aidan. By the time they reached the Tomb of Tal Rasha where Baal was sealed, he had already been released by his brothers. To their surprise, the Archangel Tyrael had come to the sanctuary to stop Diablo's plans but was now imprisoned in the tomb, guarded by the Lord of Pain Duriel.







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